Equinox Expansion
Enjoy the recording from the Equinox Gathering held on Wednesday 21 September. Equinox
We are currently in the Equinox window which is an energetically powerful time where we can use the cosmic forces available to heal and energise our lives. Aligning to the energies of the Equinox aligns us back to the natural rhythm and cycles of mother earth and helps create harmony in our lives.
This guided healing goes for 40 minutes. I recommend listening to this in a quiet space. Somewhere where you can be undisturbed. It is best to choose somewhere comfortable where you can lie down and relax your body to fully open to the energies that will come pouring through. And if you fall asleep during the healing - that is absolutely fine - in fact sometimes that is better as it gets our conscious mind and any resistance out of the way.
The focus for the gathering is on expansiveness and inviting these energies to come in and uplift our lives.