My Story

I still remember the moment when I made the decision that I was done making life harder for myself. That I no longer wished to empower my inner critic or voices outside of myself that I deemed more worthy and important.

The decision was a simple choice yet came with a profound and gentle kindness. “I am done with my old stories” kind of vibe.

This was a massive inner shift for me as I had spent a good part of my life playing out patterns that minimised me and placed value and power in the hands of others. My self worth rising and falling based on their perception of me. I was constantly striving to prove myself in a competitive, fast-paced world. Making sure others were okay, pleased, fed, loved, nurtured, cared for before I tended to me. This was exhausting and unsustainable. It led to burn out and me quitting everything I had created, to get back on track.

But you don’t have to make extreme choices or struggle like I did. There are gentler ways. And I would love to share them with you and help guide in creating a life that feels empowered, balanced and truthful for you.

Life has presented many lessons & gifts - perhaps you share these too?

Lesson 1: Listening to my inner critic and my fears kept me in a cycle of self-doubt.

I was believing “it’s not possible,” that “I couldn’t change.” I kept thinking “it didn’t matter what I did - things would stay the same” and I created a belief that “this is how it has to be.” I am here to tell you - that is not true. I have been on an incredible journey of rediscovering my power to design and create my own life. It is all possible. And you can break free too.

Lesson 2: My endless loop of over-analysing & confusion was a result of not trusting my intuition.

I was disconnected from my body. I focused on facts, reason, mental processing and discounted my heart, my deep yearning and inner wisdom. I felt stuck and challenged by life. I pushed against the flow and created loops of struggle and discomfort. Listening to my whole self and balancing my head with my heart brought a new and expanded way to live. I now trust my own instincts, have the courage to make hard decisions and take risks that transform my life. I can guide you through this process if you are ready and done with your stories too.

Lesson 3: I felt exhausted & depleted from striving to prove myself.

I was constantly trying to prove my worth in a world that places value outside of ourselves. A world where competitive & controlling behaviours are rewarded & encouraged. I fell out of balance and lost myself. I quit my business and took 18 months off to reset and find myself. I started feeling strong, excited, I found my mojo & zest for life. I was feeling alive again. You don’t need to go to that extreme. You can reset at anytime and I am here to help you if want to reclaim yourself.

Lesson 4: Staying hidden felt safe but not speaking up was draining.

I had difficulty speaking my truth and owning my voice - especially around men or those I felt were superior to me. I was saying yes when I meant no, I was keeping quiet when internally I was screaming. I was not holding healthy boundaries. I now say no and mean it. I now feel heard and respected. I now use my voice to shape my world with respect, strength and compassion. Speaking my truth and seeing the power and transformative energy of words has inspired me to encourage others to do the same. And I am here to support you in finding your voice if you so choose.

How I work

I can help you birth a new chapter and way of being. One with less fear and struggle.

I can help you expand your perspective to see in new possibilities and choices.

I support you to dream bigger dreams and invite in new worlds. I hold these for you to anchor to and keep them alive when you feel wobbled.

I can help free you from old stories, patterns, unconscious habits that keep you stuck or challenged.

I guide you in finding your highest truth. Your most expansive expression of who you are.

I work holistically using meditation and mindfulness techniques, coaching, intuitive guidance & energy healing.

My years of study and training

I now combine my life-long study of energy work and deep experience of leadership & change with practical modern support.

I hold many qualifications having studied various disciplines and practices with different teachers and schools from the traditional (Leadership & Change, Executive Coaching, Neuropsychotherapy. Resilience, Strengths and Conflict Coaching, Emotional Intelligence) to the esoteric (energy healing, shamanic, angel, goddess & oracle training).

I am also a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.

What People Are Saying


“Nicole helped me shift areas of my life where I felt stuck. She helped me see new perspectives I could not access before. I always feel safe to share my truth as she holds a healing space with so much gentleness & kindness.”

— Diana Jean R

“I love attending her courses, workshops & sessions. I always leave feeling empowered, re-energised, focussed, calm, aligned and enriched, ready to take on the day and weeks ahead.”

— Kath W

“Nicole’s genuine desire to truly help people transform and be the “better version” of themselves is something valuable and rare.”

— Christian L