Month 4
This month we are focusing on restoring our nervous system.
We are living in unprecedented times (but we did choose to be here - especially for this). We are navigating a world that is constantly conditioning our nervous system to be on high alert (and part of the reason you are here is to detach from this old paradigm and help usher in the new). As a society we have normalised the constant bombardment of news laced with conflict and fear. When was the last time you saw empowering and inspiring stories as the headline on the front page of our newspapers? Especially over the last two years with the global pandemic and now the conflict playing out between Russia and Ukraine, our emotional and mental bodies have been inundated with stories of trauma and suffering. This creates stress within our bodies, amplifying our sense of being overwhelmed by events that are outside our control. When we feel stressed we feel unsafe, we energetically contract to protect ourselves.
Our nervous system operates below our conscious mind. When we encounter a highly emotional experience - our brain takes a snapshot and says - pay attention so we are prepared if this happens again. We anticipate a worst-case scenario based on past experiences and then feed this possibility with our fears. When we do this enough, it becomes a deeply unconscious pattern that conditions our body to run on stress chemicals - leading to panic attacks and other uncomfortable experiences.
When we continue to think the same thoughts, we create the same choices and live the same patterns - over and over and over again. Even when our old patterns no longer serve us - our brain continues to fire off the same responses so we “feel” our old selves again and again - because this feels familiar and safe. New experiences and new choices feel uncertain. So, in essence, we continue to feed the familiar.
We become addicted to the sudden rush of energy and emotions and unconsciously look for current events to further perpetuate these familiar feelings. I am sure you have met people in your life who are addicted to drama and chaos. This is natural and chemical… it’s an adrenalin and cortisol hit.
However, our new self cannot be born in this environment. Our old self and old patterns have to die and transform for the new self to come to life.
As soon as you think a new thought you become changed - energetically, neurologically & chemically. You begin to shift state and create a new perception, a new reality. It can feel strange when you have conditioned your body to feel a certain way for a long time to suddenly not be feeling like that. But this is where true alchemy happens. The space in-between. The new choices. By using breathwork, body movement, conscious awareness, distraction, energy healing/ meditation you begin to give yourself the gift of freedom and space to transform and change.
As you navigate through this month’s theme know that when you start to disrupt your old ways to create space for the new you might unintentionally seek out adrenalin hits in other ways (such as conflict within relationships or drama at work). This is a normal part of the healing process. Laugh at yourself, forgive yourself and begin again.
Creating a new inner state
This month we are healing our nervous system. We are training our brain to think in new ways - to grow and change. In order to change you have to become conscious of the unconscious self - our hidden habits, thought patterns and beliefs and start disrupting our old conditioning. It requires us to make a choice, an intention to become greater than our past habitual patterns.
The more we accept, believe in and surrender to the change we wish to birth - the more successful we will be in changing our inner states.
Remember you are releasing years of conditioned responses… please be patient and gentle with yourself. A good sense of humour always helps.
Journal Prompts
What beliefs and assumptions are you unconsciously agreeing to - that you need to change to create a more peaceful way of being?
Think about a time in your life when you made up your mind to change something about yourself and your life and did it successfully. What did you do to create the change? How does it feel to have done this? (This is about creating a new vision, confidence and a new internal experience that is more powerful than your old hardwired stories)
Disrupt your patterns
Become aware of your emotions and triggers this month. They are all real and valid. This is not an exercise in making them wrong. It is simply observing and naming what you feel and being conscious of how you respond.
Notice the state of you body (how relaxed/ at peace are you or is there an underlying sense of being tense, on alert). Notice where you are in your body. Are you present or detached?
When triggered, start interrupting the patterns. Using different techniques. Be consistent and patient with yourself.
Breathwork - belly breath, yogic fire-breathing
Body movement - stretching, yoga
Music - uplifting song, dance
Be present and compassionate with your emotions - acknowledge them and mother yourself as you would a small child.
Look at photos that make you smile and bring you back to your heart.
Tapping - EFT
Introduce more physical/body movement into your world this month in whatever form feels right to you (yoga, bushwalks, running, dancing)
Listen to the Nervous System Reboot at least once a week.
Change your environment to begin to reflect the new you (rather than reinforce the old you). Change how you talk about yourself & your life, change who you tell your stories to. Change the food you eat, your everyday routine. Bring in new fresh patterns, ways of showing up in life and supporting yourself and your transformation.
Support Tools

Some great resources to support further work
Maggie Hayes - The Core Rising (Somatic Coach)
Website: https://www.thecorerising.com/
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/itsmaggiehayes/?hl=en
Dr Joe Dispenza
Website: https://drjoedispenza.com/
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/drjoedispenza/?hl=en
Our gathering
Zoom link for our session this month
Thursday 7 July @ 8pm