outback spiritual festival

Get ready for this incredible event. To be held in the most divine, ancient place! Outback NSW, Broken Hill August 26 - 27 2023.

Learn, Heal, Grow

I’ll be presenting various workshops at the Festival as well as offering Readings and Healings. If you have never visited Outback Australia - it is a very special place and so perfect for this Festival. Below are the workshops I will be hosting.


Dancing Through Life’s Storms

Life brings us gifts sometimes in unexpected packages, sometimes through struggle and pain, and sometimes through pleasant surprises. 

Learn how to meet life in all it's nuances and dance through the storms - through endings and beginnings. 

In this workshop, we will explore how to embrace & heal ourselves whilst experiencing deep change. Releasing and healing our fears and resistance. 

This workshop includes energy healing and journal prompts to support inner transformation.

Themes covered:

  • Surrender – letting go of control

  • Moving through fear

  • Working with intense emotions – grief, loss, shock

  • Tapping into your resources – determination, perseverance, empathy


Shadow Play

Shadow Work has tremendous potential for freedom and transformation as we are essentially birthing our true selves.  In this workshop we will be exploring what shadow work is and welcoming parts of ourselves that we have rejected or repressed back into wholeness. 

When you enter the domain of shadow play you call back your power.  You step into your true authenticity, increasing creativity, energy and ultimately love for yourself.

This workshop will include a healing transmission to release and integrate our shadow.

Themes covered:

  • Understanding our shadow

  • Unleashing the gifts from our shadow

  • Integrating our shadow into wholeness


Living an intuitively guided life

Intuition is your superpower. Many of us have been taught from a young age to dismiss our feelings and our inner knowing and place more importance on the facts of a situation.  This means we have learnt to replace our inner wisdom with our intellect and our intuition with other people’s expectations or needs.  This keeps us out of alignment with our true selves. 

Time to reconnect to our own guidance. 

In this workshop you will learn how to do just that and receive an energetic activation and healing to strengthen your connection to your inner guidance.

Themes covered:

  • What is intuition

  • How to access it

  • What gets in the way

  • Activating and amplifying our intuition