This month we are focusing on becoming aware of our thinking patterns (the beliefs that hold them in place) and our emotional frequency.


This month it is all about discernment. It is about shining a light on our automatic habits and patterns. By choosing to look at what is familiar and automatic to us, we can reveal what has been hidden or operating in our subsconscious. Awareness is key, because it offers us choice in how we interact with our world… it gives us freedom and supports us to shift from a place of reaction to response.

Many of us have been taught from a young age to dismiss our feelings and our inner knowing and place more importance on the facts of a situation. This means we have learnt to replace our inner wisdom with our intellect and our intuition with other people’s expectations or needs. This keeps us out of alignment with our true selves.

As you know, we live in a world of energy. We ourselves are energy and through the thoughts, we think and the emotions we feel, we choose our energetic state, our frequency, our vibration.

We also live in a Universe that operates on the Law of Attraction - which means what we focus on - we attract. What we keep alive in our bodies and minds, we kept alive in our worlds.


This month it is all about coming back to basics and focusing on the following three themes:

  • Setting up a short daily practice to clean our fields and set our days up for ease and grace.

  • Strengthening our connection to our body.

  • Becoming aware of our automatic thinking habits and daily emotions.

Setting up a daily practice

Take 5-10mins at the start of every day to set up a daily practice. A daily practice is a great way to set the intention of how we want to experience the day. It helps to clear and clean our fields so we can perceive clearly. And it strengthens our connection to our Higher Selves, the Divine Realm and to our Guides who wish to support us. There is an audio track below you can listen to which walks you through this process. Feel free to use this or create your own.

Strengthen your connection to your body

This month strengthen your connection to your body. Start a conversation. Become mindful of it's needs. Slow down and give it a voice. Make it part of your daily practice.

When we take time to connect into our bodies we are becoming deeply present, increasing our vibration and shifting from our head space into our heart. Connecting into our body is a form of self-love, it reveals hidden feelings we store within ourselves, strengthens our intuition and it heightens our ability to recognise when we are experiencing emotions and thoughts that are not our own. Connecting into your body doesn't need to be a long process. It is something that you can do throughout your day when you feel intuitively called.

Become aware of your thinking patterns & emotional frequency

For the next few weeks, start tracking your mood, energy levels and emotional frequency.

Reflect on how you have been experiencing the days by asking yourself the following questions. Please keep a track of this in your journal.

  • How have I been feeling? What was my overall emotional frequency/ moods?

  • What is energising me? What is draining me?

  • If something didn’t go so great - how have I been responing? What are some of the thoughts, beliefs or assumptions I am holding to be true - that may not be correct?

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Passcode: Miracles