Month 2

This month we are focusing on reclaiming our power.


This month it is all about reclaiming our power and looking at where we hand it over to others or unconsciously pinch it off to ourselves. This could look like giving it over to our fears, other people’s expectations of who we should be or what we should be doing or even empowering our own inner critic. When looking at how this plays out for you, it is best to do so without judgement - remembering how we show up in life is a reflection of our past, our conditioning and our beliefs.

Standing in our power means living in our hearts. Trusting our intuition and having an unshakable knowing that we are supported and when we call for help… the universe always responds. Living from our heart does not mean we are overly emotional or weak-minded. These are distorted and unbalanced expressions. When we listen and honour the wisdom of our heart - in a balanced way - we expand our reality and open to our full potential.

When our worlds reflect struggle or chaos, tune into your heart. Don’t be fooled by the external manifestations. Remember that your outside world can be a few steps behind the inner shifts taking place. Trust your process and place the focus on how you want to feel and what you want… not what you are experiencing.

Whenever you feel out of sorts (mentally, emotionally or physically) - acknowledge it - and choose a different flavour. Listen to some music, write, walk or cuddle someone you love. Whatever speaks to you most… choose to shift your vibration into a higher frequency - even if just a nudge - it doesn’t matter. Remember you are in the driver’s seat. The fact that you are learning to fine-tune your way through the world is what is important.

This is a journey of coming back home to yourself and reclaiming what is already yours and learning how to choose yourself again and again.

This is not about creating a life that is worry-free or without bumps… it is about knowing you have what it takes to dance through the storm and emerge on the other side empowered.


Reclaiming our power

This month, you will all experience a different angle on the overall theme of reclaiming our power through love. Be the witness and silent observer. Do your best to allow your story to become fully conscious. First we must become aware of our patterns and habits - bring them into the light - before we can transform them.

To help us understand our story and heal it we are going to do some inner journey exploration through journaling and then working with the Angels during our dreams to heal and clear what needs to be released.

Our womb is also the centre of our feminine energy and power. So spending time healing any old traumas (including pregnancies, births, miscarriages or sexual traumas etc), emotions or imprints from past relationships is hugely transformational and helps free up a lot of energy.

Your Journal Prompts

  • Where and when do you tend to give away your power? And who to?

  • What sits underneath this behaviour? (People pleasing, wanting to be needed, avoiding conflict etc)

  • What is your relationship to power? Do you see yourself as powerful? Why or Why not?

  • What fears do you hold around power?

  • What is one small change you can make to embody more power in your life?

  • How can you begin to realise your full potential, your full power?

Your 30 day reset

Top and tail your days. Start your day from a place of strength and be led by your heart by listening to the 5 min alignment audio track. This will clean your field, call in support and keep your vibration high.

Then when you go to bed at night invite in healing and support while you sleep. This is an excellent way to work with what is up in your life as our conscious mind (and any resistance we may be holding) is out of the way.

Invite deep healing through your dreams by calling on Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst. They work with the violet flame of purification and can support you with deep emotional healing of fears and negative energies. Ask them to work with you while you sleep to “clear the root of your struggles and negativity in all forms with ease and grace”.

  • AM - Daily alignment to set up your day

  • PM - Invite deep healing through your dreams by calling on Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst.

  • Please do this for a minimum of 30 days.

Support Tools

Our gathering


Watch the recording from the 6 April Gathering on Reclaiming our Power.

When the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through. But one thing is certain - when you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person. That is what the storm is about.

H. Murakami

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