Month 3
This month we are focusing on integrating our shadow.
We are now entering the month of Shadow play. A month of meeting, accepting and integrating the hidden and repressed parts of ourselves. Shadow work comes with tremendous potential for freedom and transformation. It may feel completely liberating and it may also feel raw, messy and challenging. Yet through patience, kindness and acceptance, we can fully embrace what was once unconscious within us to become whole.
Through shadow play, we are essentially birthing our true selves. Welcoming parts we have rejected, parts that have remained unacknowledged back into wholeness.
When we enter the domain of shadow play we are calling back our power. We are stepping into our true authenticity, increasing creativity, energy and ultimately love for ourselves.
Reclaiming our shadow means we also transform parts of our lives locked in struggle. We no longer project out onto others the parts we reject within ourselves, leading to more harmonised relationships and connections. Our shadow can manifest in many ways including jealousy, competitiveness, co-dependency, self-sabotage, shame, addiction etc. It can also look like admiration of others. Where we project our undiscovered strengths outside of ourselves.
It is important we do not approach this process as trying to fix ourselves. We are not broken. We are merely recognising, accepting and welcoming (loving) all parts of us - even the not so nice bits. Especially the not so nice bits.
Shadow work is an ongoing process, it does not start or stop with this month… we are merely turning up the volume.
Morning Pages Process
This month we will be inviting our shadow to come out and play. Below are a series of short meditations and exercises to help you reconnect to your shadow.
We are going to use a process called Morning Pages. Sit with the following questions and answer them with anything and everything that crosses your mind. There is no right or wrong way to do it. This is for your eyes only. Don’t overthink it or censor yourself.
This is about bringing all of you into focus so be compassionate, radically honest, brave and courageous in your writing.
Meet your shadow
Write three pages answering the following questions in your journal.
What do I dislike about myself?
What do I hide from others?
What am I ashamed of about myself?
What traits do I dislike, envy or find annoying in other people?
Embrace your golden shadow
Write three pages answering the following questions in your journal.
What traits do I admire in other people?
Where do I feel insecure? (our biggest gifts can often begin as the parts of our lives we feel the most unsure about)
What things in life bring out the best in me? Where do I excel?
Befriending your shadow
Listen to the Shadow Integration audio transmission to heal and integrate all the aspects you have identified above.
Support Tools

If you want to go deeper…
Here are a few journal prompts if you feel drawn to going deeper with your shadow work this month. Pick one to journal about a day.
Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable in your romantic relationships? Do you put up walls around yourself and your partner or are you completely open?
Do you forgive yourself when you have done something wrong? When you make mistakes can you move on from them or do they continue to hurt you?
Are you comfortable in your skin? If there is something that you would like to change about yourself, what is it and why?
What are your parent’s best and worst personality traits? Do you see any of them within yourself?
Is there anyone you hold a grudge against? If so, what is holding you back from letting go and moving on?
When are you hardest on yourself and why?
What emotions do you tend to avoid?
Our gathering
Zoom link for our session on 4 May 2022 8:00pm - 9:00pm AEST.

We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.
Shmuel Ben Nachmani