Month 5

This month we are Shifting into Abundance


This month is exploring our connection to Abundance and the distortions we hold around money and support from the Universe. Believing in scarcity or lack is a way of perceiving the world as finite rather than abundant and infinite. It is what competition is based on. I win, you lose. There is only so much to go around and if you have more, I get less. There is a lot of this conditioning in the business world - each person or team competing for clients, funds or promotions.

The scarcity mindset is one of the biggest blocks to being open to receiving the riches and abundance available in the Universe. When we shift into believing that there is plenty out there for everyone (there are plenty of job opportunities, clients, cars, houses etc.) we vibrate at a higher frequency and align ourselves to a timeline that has these possibilities available to us. Remember the universe responds to our vibration and beliefs so when we begin our days from a place of “how good can today get” we open ourselves up to experiencing more satisfaction, more joy and more miracles. When we believe something is not possible - we use our free will to close the door.

So how do we shift from scarcity into Abundance? A great place to start is with our relationship with money.

Our relationship with money forms many years ago when we are small. We absorb the beliefs and expectations of money and how it flows from our parents and those who we see as influencers. If you want to understand what your relationship with money is like - take a look at the parts of your finances that you are not happy with. This is a great starting point to explore where you may hold unhealthy patterns, beliefs or thoughts.

You may have grown up hearing statements likes:

  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees”

  • ”Do you think I am made of money”

  • “We can’t afford that”

  • “Wash your hands after you touch that - money is dirty”

  • “You have to work hard for money - it doesn’t come easily”

  • “It’s greedy and selfish to want more money than you need”

  • “Lots of money makes people greedy and lose themselves”

We may unconsciously direct our attitudes and beliefs toward money itself when in reality, money is just another tool like your phone or your car. It is neutral and a form of energy exchange.

The good news is your relationship with money can be enhanced like any other relationship in your life. You have the power to choose what kind of relationship it will be.

A great way to grow your relationship with money is to become more playful with it. Warmly invite it into your life like you would an old friend. Heal any negative beliefs you hold around money and establish a new relationship with it. You can use the audio for this month to help you.

Another way to shift into an abundance mindset is to bless those who are successful. Be kind and grateful to those who are doing well. They have healed their relationship with money. They are holding the codes to help you find yours. The more we bless them, the more blessings we receive in return.

Allow money to flow in and out of your life. See it as natural abundant as air. Just like we breathe in - we also breathe out. We don’t hold our breath wondering where the next bit of air is coming from. We know it is available and will be there when we take our next breath. With the abundance mindset, we let go of any attachment to how money flows in and out of our life. We are open to all possibilities of letting it in and also letting it flow out.

Another key influence in being open to the abundance of the Universe is our belief around whether we deserve it or not. The more that you feel valuable, the more confident you will feel about being worthy of receiving abundance, money or any other form of support.

Looking at the Universe as a friendly place - one filled with possibilities and potential is another key way to open to Abundance. Look for what can be instead of focusing on what is not there or any part of lack in your life. Be diligent and keep shifting your attention towards what you want from a place of excitement and hope (not fear or lack). Remember our physical reality is always a step or two behind our manifestations. So what you see and experience is not a good indicator of what is available to you. Keep your vibe high as much as possible and be mindful of taking on other people’s limitations, fears or projections.

There are also some very helpful Divine Beings who you can call on for support in creating abundance in your life. Below are a few you can invite into your world this month to support you.

  • Archangel Sachiel ~ Angel of Wealth, Water, Success & Prosperity (to help you harmonize to the flow of abundance)

  • Archangel Jeremiel - Angel of Hopeful Visions & Dreams (to support you in bringing your dreams to life)

  • Archangel Michael - Angel of Strength and Protection (to cut any negative chords you hold towards money)

  • Archangel Barachiel - Angel of Blessings (help you in attracting the things you need)

Abundance Affirmations & Blocks

Pay particular attention to what statements give you a boost of energy and excitement and which ones fall flat or generate a feeling of shame, doubt, fear. When you find the statements that shift you into a lower vibration - you have found a block to you receiving abundance.

Once you have found all the statements that have limiting beliefs or blocks associated with them, say each statement to yourself while violet flaming yourself, the statement and all the limiting beliefs that you unconsciously hold around it. Allow the violet flame to cleanse and clear it of all outdated, old, restrictive imprinting.


“I feel confident that what I need will be mine”

“I am excited to discover how I’ll make money next”

“Money comes to me easily”

“I feel harmonious and in balance with my finances”

“I build supportive relationships with my money”

“I attract situations that bring me more money”

“I feel a sense of excitement setting financial goals”

“I feel grateful for what I have”

“My money helps make this world a better place”


Repairing our relationship with money

This month we will be inviting in the abundance of the Universe. Below are a series of short meditations and exercises to help you disconnect from any scarcity and lack mindset that might get in the way.

Journal Prompts

  • My money story: How would I describe my relationship to money? What negative beliefs do I carry about money?

  • Scarcity: How am I allowing lack and competition to exist in my world (you win, I lose)?

  • Open to receive: Where do I block receiving support from the Universe?

Support Tools

Finding Money Exercise

In what ways are you open to receiving unexpected windfalls of money? Let’s play this month and see what we can create. Below is a fun exercise taken from the “High Energy Money” book written by Cynthia Sue Larson. Remember it is only possible for us to receive as much money as we have the courage to imagine ourselves receiving.

  1. Create a list of positive intentions regarding money that use words to describe the kinds of ways you’d most like to find money in your life. Only include words that describe desired outcomes or what you want to create.

  2. Before you go to sleep at night imagine you are face to face with the Source of ALL that is. Feel the abundance of love and extraordinary energy field that surrounds you. A place where everything you contemplate will come true.

  3. Focus on one of your intentions. Repeat it over and over and over as you remain completely relaxed. See yourself as already being in the successful energy. Be mindful not to ask from a place of yearning or lack. Picture yourself as strong, confident, capable, deserving and worthy.

Our gathering


Be courageous. Be bold. Ask the Universe to delight you.

Book your coaching session with me.