Month 6

Trusting in the magic of the Universe.


In our final month, we are opening to trusting ourselves and the magic of the Universe. The energies of this month is encouraging you to look around your life and see where you are still holding back from fully trusting the divine. What parts of you are still wanting to hold onto control? And what would it take for you to fully surrender?

It is much easier to trust the Universe when we see signs that are life is flowing in our favour. But when we feel afraid, or when things don’t go to plan or when we receive an idea or inspiration to take a leap of faith without any guarantee that it will be successful - extending our trust can feel quite challenging.

We can start by beginning to let go of figuring out the how of our life, by slowly relaxing our grip and our expectations on what we should be experiencing. Trust we are always where we need to be, learning what we need to know and growing as best we can. Trust the Universe always has our highest interests at heart, even if our mind and ego disagrees. This is where flexing your spiritual muscle takes place. It is learning to observe the freakouts of the mind and allowing the emotions and thoughts to have their space to release. Then knowing this is not your truth. These are programs that live in your body and field and then call on divine support for help to heal and complete.


Surrendering our need to control

This month create some space to reflect on how you show up in life and gently enquire where are you holding back on trust. Where do you resist the flow of life and push your way through? Below are a few journal prompts to help with your inner exploration. There is also a 10 minute energy healing and invocations to call on the Divine Mothers of Kali Ma and Mother Mary. They have shown up to support you in healing and deepening into Unconditional Trust this month.

Journal Prompts

  • Where are you holding back from fully trusting the Universe?

  • How can you ask the Divine to support you more? Where can you let them in to help you?


Calling on the Divine for Support

This month actively call on and work with the Divine Mothers Kali Ma and Mother Mary to support you in deepening into trust this month.

You can call on them in your morning alignment practice or throughout the day when you need extra support. Ask that they surround you, protect you and guide you for your highest good. Ask that they heal any fears or resistance to the unknown. Ask that any wounding around betrayal be shown and released.

You can use your own words or you can use the guidance/ invocations below (Mother Mary - written by me and Kali-Ma from the latest Kyle Gray book - Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom).

Support Tools

Recommended Book

Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom - Kyle Gray

Discover everything there is to know about the Ascended Masters and how working with them can bring peace, wellbeing, and healing into your life.

Book your coaching session with me.

Let’s make today a day where we decide we are enough. Just as we are.

Nicole Lee