The Self-Care Circle

Our soul longs for a deeper expression, an expansiveness that cannot be contained. Sometimes we need help to find that empowered version of ourselves, to see past our filters and fears and to let go of the parts of ourselves that block our success.

This is a series created to help birth the new you and access your light within. The light who stands tall against the storms and holds deep peace in the chaos. If you feel ready to shake loose the ties that bind and reclaim the uplifting and empowered version of who you truly are, then welcome to the circle.


Transforming Self Doubt

When we transform self doubt we offer ourselves the gift of freedom. We liberate ourselves from the limited view in which we perceive ourselves and when we change how we see ourselves - we change how others see and respond to us. A simple shift in energy can create a wave of love in your life and bring many miracles and significant shifts.

Self doubt is a distortion, a way to keep us hidden and small. It may get triggered when we are ready to step out and acknowledge our greatness, our full potential. Don’t buy into the story, the old limited version of ourselves. We can make the choice to liberate ourselves from its influence by deciding to love ourselves unconditionally and knowing we are whole, we are complete and we are enough.

Click the video image to experience the energy healing & transmission for this month’s self care circle. Enjoy!