7-week self-love journey
Week Two
Welcome to week two of the self-love challenge. This week we are inviting in the energy of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a powerful pathway to the heart. It sets us free. Forgiveness means we are choosing to no longer carry our past pains into the future. It is acknowledging we did the best we could with what we had. It is accepting we are human, we are not perfect (nor are we meant to be) and we are learning - every day.
When we judge ourselves harshly, unwilling to forgive past mistakes, we withhold love from ourselves. We look through the eyes of guilt and shame and feed the story that we are unworthy.
Ask yourself - “how did this serve me?”
When we understand the role an event, person or situation has played in our lives - we can extract the gifts and the lessons out of it - we can choose to release its bind on us. We give ourselves the gift of freedom and we stand in our power.
There is also a guided energy healing audio to support you this week. These are best enjoyed in a quiet, comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. Please listen to this several times this week.
Take a moment to sit down during the week and journal using the prompts below. Exploring these questions through journaling is inviting your deeper, unconditionally loving and wise self to come through and have a voice. It is your higher self guiding you, shining light and new perspectives to help heal and release stuck energy and stories.
What is one memory, event or situation you are ready and willing to release and forgive yourself for today?
What stories, beliefs or assumptions are you making true that keep you from forgiving yourself and releasing the past?
How did this serve you? What are the gifts in this experience?
Overall how easy is it for you to forgive yourself?
Healing Transmission
“Forgiving yourself is setting yourself free. It is saying I am ready to release this. I am done with this story. I accept the gifts that come with it, that have shaped me into who I am today and now I am free.”
— Nicole Lee