7 week self-love journey

Week Three



This week is all about offering yourself a deeper level of compassion and kindness. Where are you beating yourself up? Holding unrealistic expectations? Giving yourself a hard time? Being too harsh?

I invite you this week to let it all go. Release the harsh inner critic and invite your understanding and generous self to come through. Treat yourself to some loving energy and enjoy a massage or your favourite meal. Be kind over critical. Choose patience over judgement.

This week start to notice how the inner critic plays out in your life. And choose a new story. Whenever you notice you are being overly harsh or judgemental to yourself, stop… and choose a new thought. Go for a walk, shake out the body or stretch, listen to some music or write - choose something different instead. It takes discipline, consistency and commitment to create new neural pathways.

Be gentle. Keep disrupting, resetting and restarting. Keep going. You can do this. You are so much more powerful and capable than you believe yourself to be.


Take a moment to sit down and journal using the prompts below to allow your subconscious a voice. To help unearth beliefs, ideas or habits that reside within you.

  • Where do I tend to judge myself harshly or be overly critical?

  • How can I be kinder to myself this week ?

  • Reflect back to a time when your inner critic had a rant. Ask yourself? Was it really that bad? Am I perceiving it accurately? What would a good friend say about it?

  • Try replacing the inner critic rant with a new voice – the voice of a loved one... what would you hear instead?

Guided Energy Healing

Please use the following guided energy healing to help release any blocks to self love this week.

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt - always.

— Nicole Lee