7 week self-love journey

Week Four



How often do you put your needs first? Do you find yourself saying yes when you really mean no? Choosing you and what is important to you is not selfish, it is a form of self-love. So today we will be exploring boundaries and taking a courageous and compassionate look at how healthy and supportive yours are to you.

Having clear boundaries and the courage to hold them with love and respect amongst friends and loved ones can be challenging, but not impossible.

What is appropriate for you will be quite different for someone else. But you are the only one who lives in your world, your reality. And it is up to you to create an environment in which you thrive. Ultimately it is up to you to decide what you allow in your life. How are you holding your boundaries at the moment? Are they clear and strong? Or are they a little hazy and loose? There is no right or wrong, just different experiences for either one.

There is also a guided energy healing for today to help support your journey.


Take a moment to sit down and journal using the prompts below.

  • What do my boundaries look like?

  • In what areas of my life am I feeling obligated & saying yes but really mean no?

  • What beliefs or assumptions do I hold that keep me from saying no or putting my own needs first?

  • Where can I start to set healthy boundaries and show up differently to honour myself & my needs?

Healing transmission

Find a quiet space where you can be still and undisturbed to allow the healing energies in this audio to support your heart healing. This transmission will help remove and release any blocks that stop you from holding healthy boundaries.

Remember your boundaries are unique to you, people won’t necessarily know your boundaries. Sometimes the only way to find them is by bumping into them.

— Nicole Lee