7 week self-love journey
Week Seven
Our Stories
What are the stories that imprison you? That keep you believing in a small or disempowered version of yourself? Use this week as a diving off board to jump in and look at where you energies stories that restrict how you love yourself or show up in life.
Self-love is believing in ourselves, when the world outside tells us otherwise. It is backing ourselves, knowing and trusting that we are enough – just by being who we are. We are unique, beautiful beings and therefore, we are worthy. It is having the confidence in ourselves that what we do, say, feel and experience is important and matters and that it is uniquely part of our own individual journey.
There is also a beautiful guided healing with Kuan Yin, White Tara and Mother Mary for you to enjoy today.
Take a moment to sit down and journal using the prompts below.
What stories do I believe to be true about myself that keep me small?
What fears and doubts am I empowering that stop me from fully expressing my authentic self in life?
Your Energy Healing Transmission
The energies of this healing felt so pure and deep, so please give yourself some time and space after listening to this to allow the integration of the energies that were being transmitted.
“Self-love is truly accepting ourselves warts and all – without judgement or needing to fix anything.”
— Nicole Lee