Do you feel worthy enough to have what you want?

As some of you know we have recently moved home. After 7 years of planning and building we finally had the magical moment of moving into our beautiful new house last week. This was a place that has been on our vision board for years. Something we collectively dreamed of and tallked about as a family - excited by it's presence and the many gifts it would bring into our lives.

Then last Tuesday it was ready for us. And we were ready for it. We made the move and spent the first night in our new home. And I began to notice something interesting. I became aware of different thoughts circulating through my mind. “This space is too big for us." “We are being greedy living in such a large house.” ”What have I done to deserve something so nice." “Other people struggle to make ends meet - this is too excessive.” And on, and on.

I felt guilty that I had a beautiful new home. I felt unworthy of such a beautiful space. I watched these deep beliefs surface. And I could see how these threads spread out into my life in subtle ways. Deeply rooted conditioning about what I am or am not allowed to have or experience. Being deserving and worthy of abundance and beautiful things felt selfish and greedy.

I was grateful to see how I held these beliefs of feeling unworthy to experience something special. I could see for the first how I was unconsciously resisting the goodness in life. It's amazing what can lurk in our shadows!

I have done much healing over the years, as I am sure you have to. There are so many different layers, threads and subtle ways we can unconsciously derail ourselves. How we experience life gives us clues to what we hold deep inside? How open are you towards allowing good fortune and miracles into your life? Would you receive it with open arms or are you holding doubt that you truly deserve it?

Where do you hold blocks to your abundance? When you dream your big dreams… do you feel worthy enough to have what you want?

What I have discovered is feeling deserving or worthy isn't an end state… it is a journey. We are worthy and deserving - even if we have bad days. We are worthy and deserving - even when we lose our patience. We are worthy and deserving - even when we say or do things we instantly regret. We are worthy and deserving - even when we believe we are not.

Being deserving is your birthright. You don't have to do anything to achieve it. It is who you are.


All I need is a helmet and some confidence!


What’s love got to do with it?